Wednesday, February 4, 2009

My Favorite Character

The character I am going to focus on is the main character in my book. Her name is Jessie Lou. She is the kind of girl who sits alone during lunch and hangs out with the un-popular boys. She is what you would call a Southern tomboy. Jessie Lou has an enormous crush on Conrad Parker-Smith, the soccer star of the class. Jessie Lou is shy, helpful, and courageous at the same time. For example, when she is around people, she never talks and she never really socializes, but she would help anyone who needs help, even if he/she is the meanest person in her class, and another example of her being courageous is when she is the one who volunteers to investigate an abandoned house in the woods, when 2 of her guy friends are really scared. She doesn’t have many friends, but by the middle of the book, she grew closer and closer with Conrad and one of his geeky friends Quentin. Jessie Lou doesn’t fit in because she isn’t a rich, posh girl, who thinks that breaking a nail would be the end of the world. She is someone who doesn’t care what other people think about her, and she has no interest in girly stuff at all, for example, she goes to school wearing dirty clothes that don't match, and doesn't care if she is made fun of.


A.Lapalme said...

Good. Always try to give specific examples from the story...Why do you say she is shy? Helpful? Courageous?
Ms. Lapalme