Monday, June 8, 2009

Truman VS Jonas

Have you ever read a book and then watched a movie, and you realized that the plot was similar? Well, in English class, we read a book called The Giver. Once we were done with the book, we watched a movie called The Truman Show. The plots in the book and the movie were very similar. In this topic, we will be talking about the emotions, the clues, and their desire to leave.


       Truman, from The Truman Show, lived a superstar life. Everyone knew him, everyone loved him, and everyone watched him. Truman grew up thinking that he lived a normal life. But, the truth was that everyone around him was acting. He had a fake job, a fake mother, and a fake father who supposedly died. What he doesn’t know is that he is actually living in a controlled studio set. For example, the water in the sea is fake, the weather is fake, the houses aren’t real, and everyone but him knows this. Everywhere Truman goes, there is at least one camera following him very discretely. Truman does receive clues while he is living in the studio. One day, while he was walking to work, something fell from the sky, and it turned out to be a light from the top of the studio. Unlike Jonas’ community, Truman’s community has cars. One day, when Truman is starting to realize that he is living in a fake world, he went into a building, and through an elevator, he saw a part of the studio, that was a clue that the world he lived in was fake. Another clue was when he was at the beach and it started to rain only on him, and wherever he moved, the patch of rain followed him. Truman really wants to leave the community he is living in to go to Fiji to meet the girl that he fell in love with when he was in college, but the actors are persuading him to stay. One fear that he has to go against is his fear of water. (When he was young, his dad died in the water so he doesn’t dare to go across a sea or a river). When Truman finally realizes that he is being watched, he goes across the sea and then randomly bumps into a wall that has the sky painted on it. He then climbs up stairs and leaves the studio set.


       Unlike Truman’s world, Jonas’ world is completely controlled. Everyone looks the same, wears he same things, eats the same food, and everyone is assigned for a job at the age of 12. Jonas starts realizing that his world is being controlled at the age of 12, hen he is assigned the job of Receiver of Memory. The elders in Jonas’ community control everything, like who everybody marries, which kids they should get, and what job they should be assigned to. In Jonas’ community, no one has a car, they all ride bikes everywhere they go. When someone wants to leave the community, they need o be released, meaning that they get an injection that kills them. When Jonas saw his dad kill a newborn baby, he needed to escape immediately. So, The Giver and Jonas panned to escape the community by bike, one day during the night. Jonas decided to take Gabe, the newborn baby with him, because he heard that his dad was going to kill him too. Jonas’ escape plan was successful, and they left the community to seek for a place called Elsewhere.


       Comparing characters is quite easy because most of the time, they are similar. Jonas and Truman were very easy to compare because they both went through the same things. Although the two plots were the same, I preferred watching The Truman Show, because it was more interesting.